Monday, January 21, 2013

How Can You Jump High ~ The Easy Way

I Appreciate You Guys Reading My Blog.

This Will Give You Some Great Quick Info On How You Can Jump Higher Easy For Anyone.

If Your Jumping Is More Sports Related....At the End of the Info I will Post this Link That you Can Copy and Paste for a Cutting edge Exercise Jump Manual for Children and Adults.

*Remember Hard work and Discipline is the Key To Success!

  1. Start the exercises by First Warming Up your Muscles. Stretch legs and arms, and Jog around for a Few Minutes.

  1. Stand up and sit down. Slowly bend at the knees keeping your back straight. Crouch down as low as possible arms on your waist and slowly rise back up.
  1. Do the toe raises by raising up and down on the tips of the toes. Arms at your waist again, do this slowly but steadily.This is the most crucial part so do it several other times before exploding.
  1. Crouch down to do the Deep Knee Bend Jump, arms out. Do this quickly, by almost touching your bottom to the ground, then explode upwards as high as you can. As you come down, land with your bottom near the ground (like the starting point)and then immediately launch back up again.
  1. Hop on each leg by standing on one foot, and hopping up and down on it. Change to the other foot, and do the same thing.
  1. Find something with a flat top at least 1-3 ft high that is extremely stable for jumping on. Stand in front of it (with knees shoulder width apart). Gather yourself and leap onto the flat surface (Be sure to leave both feet at the same time). Jump back off the surface and try to land softly on your feet. Repeat quickly as many times as you can--it's the quickness that will build up fast-twitch muscles and make your results practical. Rest for as short a time as you can manage and begin again. You'll be able to slam dunk in no time. Pro tip: Try to picture yourself landing as softly as spiderman when you jump on the table. If you can manage it people will tell you it looked like you were kind of floating. Very cool.